unearthing beauty, mining meaning, and seeking truth
This is a place for anyone who wants more, who is not content to be comfortable, who seeks a life of truth and meaning, not just happiness.
Here, we ask hard questions, tell true stories, and turn life inside out to unearth the ragged beauty within.
I’m honored to have you to join me.

How Separating Internal and External Change Can Transform Your Writing—and Your Life
I learned something recently that feels simultaneously mind-blowing and also like something I’ve known for ages:
A bittersweet ending results from the combination of a negative external change plus a positive internal change.
Let me explain.
Every story operates on two levels: internal and external. . . .

Give Yourself the Gift of Self-Efficacy and Watch Your Dreams Become Realities
So many things feel outside of our control, especially in the last few years. Wars, pandemics, hurricanes, Zoom schooling, inflation, recession. Writing goals? Let’s just be grateful we were able to write anything lately.
And yet… underneath the narrative of powerlessness and capitulation, I have seen so many writers exhibiting incredible strength, perseverance, and determination this year. Writers who have been quietly devoted to improving their craft, choosing to show up and do the work they need to in order to accomplish their dreams.