unearthing beauty, mining meaning, and seeking truth
This is a place for anyone who wants more, who is not content to be comfortable, who seeks a life of truth and meaning, not just happiness.
Here, we ask hard questions, tell true stories, and turn life inside out to unearth the ragged beauty within.
I’m honored to have you to join me.

A Vocation of Personhood: Discovering a Sense of Calling in the Messy Middle
guest post by Kat Wordsworth
“Perhaps your personhood is a vocation of such beauty and significance that souls will be saved through your simple fidelity to being human.” - K.J. Ramsey
Questions of vocation, calling, and purpose in my life have been on the back burner for over a decade. I didn’t believe myself worthy of the conversation, worthy of thinking that I had anything to contribute. To me, a sense of calling was deeply entwined with being a confident and secure Christian. To be called meant hearing God’s voice and plan for your life. And that was not something I had ever experienced. . .

Passion, Purpose, and the Painful Journey of Becoming: Thoughts on Calling
One theme underlies every meaningful decision we make in this world: what is the purpose of my life? What is it that I have been uniquely designed to do?
I’ve been searching for answers to these questions for most of my life . . .

Questions of Calling
Why am I here?
This is the question that ultimately drives all of human striving. It appears in many forms: what is the meaning of life? what does it look like to live life well? what is the deeper purpose to which God is calling me?
There are no easy answers.

Laurie Davis: Embracing the Unexpected
Life never ends up looking quite the way we imagine, and this is especially true for the postpartum stage. No matter how much we try to prepare, we will be bombarded with challenges—and joys—that we did not expect.
This was especially true for Laurie, but as she shares in this story about an at-birth Down syndrome diagnosis, there is one thing about motherhood that we can count on absolutely: our purpose.