unearthing beauty, mining meaning, and seeking truth
This is a place for anyone who wants more, who is not content to be comfortable, who seeks a life of truth and meaning, not just happiness.
Here, we ask hard questions, tell true stories, and turn life inside out to unearth the ragged beauty within.
I’m honored to have you to join me.

Rachel Kang: Making Space for the Miracle
Advent is a time of waiting. A time of wondering. A pregnant pause before the wild, wonderful whirl of Christmas. Or at least, that is how it was intended.
In the reflection below, Rachel Kang shares her story of waiting, of making space for the miracle to come.

The Annunciation: Mary’s Unexpected Calling
Do you ever wish that God would just tell you what to do with your life? That he would just announce your calling and eliminate all the confusion and struggle that usually accompanies that process of discernment?
I know I have.
But there's a mercy that comes with that process too. It allows us to adjust to that call slowly, to learn the skills and discipline required bit by bit, to gradually come to terms with the difference between what we thought our lives would look like and the reality in store for us and to begin to understand how that reality will ultimately surpass all our hopes and dreams even as it crushes many of them. . . .